Daily Archives: October 31, 2012

November Writing Experience: Gratitude in 100


Hey team –

I am grateful for you. Even if you pop in every once in a while. Especially if this the first time you’re here.

Many of you swing by without saying a word and that’s kewl. But I’d love to hear from you.

So… I have this idea:

November means Thanksgiving around these parts and so I want to do a writing experience; I’d say “contest” but I don’t have a prize for anyone and my being a child of serendipity and equality, there is no such thing as a “perfect” submission. What I would like to do is collect all your submissions and put them in one blog post that I will publish on the day before Thanksgiving and you all can feel connected with one another through your expressions of gratitude. If you don’t participate with a submission, you will be able to participate by hearing all the expressions.

Here it is:

  • 100 words or less about what gratitude means to you. Not what you’re grateful for (like an iPod or the last seat on the bus), but what it means. Writing this is meant to be introspective and candid: (show, don’t tell). It doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be lyrical, it just has to be original and what you want it to be. A poem, a string of nouns or verbs… up to you. Oh, and it has to be not disgusting or obscene. Any weirdness in that regard will not be tolerated. If you wish to remain anonymous, I will treat you as such.
  • 10 words which describe you (remember, you don’t have to give your name).
  • An image of you or what best features your summary.
  • Your website or blog or way for others to reach you if you are interested in providing it.

Send your submission to me at grassoil@mollyfield.com by 11pm Monday, November 19. SHARE THIS POST if you wish!

Thank you for playing along. I can’t WAIT to read and see what you come up with!
